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26-02-2024 - FPP is an Official Partner

26-02-2024 - The first time in Portugal

FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024


São muitas as novidades  e a envolvência do Benfica ao Padel, e será em primeira mão que as vamos apresentar.

Muita animação, uma roleta da sorte, e até a ÁGUIA VITÓRIA vais poder encontrar, e quem sabe aquela fotografia tão desejada.

Visita o seu espaço na Expo Padel World.


FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

A  LUSITANIA é sponsor da Expo Padel World, assumindo o naming do nosso exclusivo Lounge VIP. 

Bem-vindos ao Lusitania Lounge VIP: um espaço dedicado ao conforto e ao networking de alto nível.


FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

Irá decorrer na EXPO PADEL WORLD, no Domingo, dia 30 de Junho, a semi-final e final do LISBOA CHALLENGER, torneio oficial Absoluto de Classe 10.000,


integrado no calendário oficial de provas da FPP (Federação Portuguesa de Padel).

O torneio terá inicio a 25 de Junho, organizado pelo Clube Padel Expo, em parceria com o ABC Padel Indoor, e terá um Prize Money 10.000.

Se te sentes um craque do Padel e queres agarrar esta oportunidade, realiza já a tua inscrição.

Apressa-te, as inscrições terminam 3ª feira, dia 18, às 15h00.

Inscrições e informações

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FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

Vais competir num dos nossos torneios?

Podes utilizar a WARM UP ZONE Powered by BH Fitness que teremos disponível durante todo o evento.


Se vais só mesmo visitar a feira e assistir às competições podes utilizá-las na mesma e experienciar os melhores e os mais profissionais equipamentos que contribuem para o bem-estar e a melhoria da qualidade de vida.

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FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

HSN, marca de nutrição, saúde, bem-estar e alimentação saudável, que celebra 15 anos no setor em 2024; conta com mais de 2.500 referências no seu catálogo, produtos desenvolvidos pela sua equipa de I&D+i e fabricados nas suas próprias instalações em Espanha, que possuem os máximos certificados de qualidade e segurança: IFS (renovado com avaliação Higher Level), GMP, HACCP e GWP, entre outros.


A marca controla todo o processo, desde a seleção de matérias-primas e fornecedores, até ao envio do produto final ao cliente, que o compra na loja online. Isto elimina os intermediários e favorece a política própria da HSN de Máxima Qualidade a um Preço Correto.


No seu catálogo podes encontrar proteínas, creatina, hidratos de carbono, recuperadores, multivitamínicos, antioxidantes, extratos e plantas, nutricosmética, refeições prontas, farinhas, molhos, snacks saudáveis...


Visita o seu espaço na Expo Padel World.

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FPP is an Official Partner 

March 4, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry

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FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

GUTsy Captain Kombucha é uma deliciosa bebida fermentada, fabricada em Portugal, cheia de bactérias vivas e ligeiramente gaseificada. Excelente para refrescar cada momento do seu dia.

Kombucha é uma bebida ancestral conhecida na China como o “elixir da imortalidade”.

As Kombuchas da GUTsy Captain são 100% autênticas pois usam um processo de fermentação natural do chá, com SCOBY – cultura viva de bactérias e leveduras.

Os ingredientes são 100% Naturais e BIO, sem nada artificial.

Uma alternativa refrescante e deliciosa aos refrigerantes sintéticos.

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João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.

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FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

As novas barras proteicas - GUTsy Captain Gut Health & Protein Soft Bars são deliciosas e feitas a pensar nos no seu intestino.

Um snack rico em proteínas (30%), rico em fibras, com vitaminas e minerais, sem glúten e sem adição de açúcares.  Mas sabem ao melhor chocolate.

Um boost para todas as aventuras, mas sem remorsos. 

Vem conhecê-las na EXPO PADEL WORLD.


João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.


FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

A EXPO PADEL WORLD é uma feira, um evento e um ponto de encontro para o convívio entre todos os amantes do padel.

A pensar nas longas conversas, troca de experiencias e aos brindes pelo próximo jogo, teremos disponível uma larga FOOD ZONE, com uma apetecível esplanada, ao som do DJ da M80,  onde poderás degustar as melhores e variadas iguarias no melhor dia deste verão.

  • La Boca, Chicha Muy Buena

  • Veggie Lovers Food Truck

  • Epic Chicken

  • HotDog da Linha

  • Santini Gelados

  • Colé, Gelados Artesanais

  • Carlsberg

  • Sharish, o Gin do Alentejo

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João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.

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FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

Sabias que em Portugal são diagnosticados 7 mil novos casos de cancro da mama. O SNS está com listas de espera de anos e mais de metade da população não tem seguro de saúde.

A LIGA POWER GIRL é um circuito de torneios mistos, femininos e masculinos de Padel que vai decorrer durante o ano por todo o País e tem por objetivo dar às empresas uma plataforma de Mecenato para participarem de uma grande causa: subsidiar cirurgias de reconstrução mamária de mulheres mastectomizadas que se encontrem privadas de acesso a este tratamento médico-estético.


João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.

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FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry

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João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.


FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry


FPP is an Official Partner 

March 4, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry

m80 padelpop

FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry


João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.

pt padel magazine

FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry

associação padel sem barreiras
joão lagos - expo padel world

João Lagos joins Expo Padel World

March 4, 2024

​It is with great enthusiasm that Portugal hosts Expo Padel World, the international fair entirely dedicated to Padel, marking a historic milestone for those passionate about this sport. The highlight event will take place in the prestigious Sala Tejo at MEO Arena, on the 29th and 30th of June, promising to be a reference event in the national sporting calendar.

Counting on the enthusiastic support of João Lagos, a renowned personality in the promotion and evolution of Padel both nationally and internationally, Expo Padel World promises to be a resounding success. Lagos, an unconditional supporter of the creation of the Portuguese Padel Federation and promoter of the launch of the World Padel Tour on the national and international scene, has been a fundamental player in the popularization of the sport since 2016, the year in which he organized the World Padel Championships for men's and women in Cascais. His involvement not only ensures the high prestige, but also the exceptional quality of this event.

"It is an honor to be part of this international event taking place this year in our country. I am convinced that Expo Padel World will be a resounding success and will have an extremely positive impact on the Portuguese sports scene, attracting even more fans and practitioners to the sport, as well as a greater number of brands interested in sponsoring our talented athletes", declares João Lagos.

FPP is an Official Partner 

February 26, 2024

The Portuguese Padel Federation (FPP) and Expo Padel World have joined forces and formalized a strategic partnership that promises to significantly boost the Padel scene in Portugal.

This strategic collaboration establishes a vital bridge between the sport's regulatory entity and the pioneering event, aiming to strengthen the promotion and development of Padel in the country.

FPP brings its knowledge and commitment to the partnership, collaborating closely with the Fair to offer initiatives that encourage the growth of the sport and enhance a new era of Padel in the country. A suite of exciting opportunities for gamers, enthusiasts and companies involved in the industry

federão portuguesa de padel

The first time in Portugal

February 26, 2024

The first Padel fair in Portugal marks a historic moment for the sport in the region and in the country.

This unprecedented event offers a unique platform for the local community and Padel lovers to share experiences with each other. The presence of highly renowned brands, talented players and a vibrant atmosphere promises to transform the Portuguese capital into the epicenter of Padel for two days.

With exciting tournaments, innovative product demonstrations and the opportunity to interact with industry experts, the fair will boost the visibility of Padel in the region, as well as solidify Lisbon as a key destination for enthusiasts of this passionate sport.

A historic moment that promises to catalyze the growth of the sport in Lisbon and beyond.

Expo Padel World feira de padel em portugal
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